Scroll & Zoom

There are multiple ways to zoom and scroll through your chart.

Zoom with mouse

Hold down CTRL-key while using the scroll wheel of your mouse to zoom.

Scroll with mouse

Hold down the spacebar while you press down your left mouse button at the same time to scroll.

Go to the "View" menu and click "Zoom", which lets you zoom with a slider.

In the "View" menu, you can show or hide the scrollbars, which you can use to scroll.

On a Macbook, hold down CTRL-key while moving with two fingers on your touchpad to zoom.

Zoom with keyboard

Press the + or - key of your keyboard to zoom.

Scroll with keyboard

Hold down the ALT-key while pressing an arrow (cursor) key to scroll one square at a time.

Press the Page Down or Page Up key to scroll a half page up or down.

Hold down the ALT-key while pressing the Page Down or Page Up key to scroll half a page to the left or to the right.

Zoom with touch gestures (phone, tablet)

Touch your display with two fingers and move toward each other or away from each other (pinch).

On a Macbook using Chrome, you can do the same touch gestures on your touchpad. This only works in Chrome.

Scroll with touch gestures (phone, tablet)

Touch your display and hold down while moving around to scroll through your chart (pan).

On a Macbook, you can do the same touch gesture on your touchpad, but use two fingers at the same time (instead of one finger).

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